Wednesday, June 3, 2015

EWR and Creative License: Artist Musings: Inside The Mirror, Looking Out

                                             "Mirror, Mirror" -  © Elaine Weiner-Reed
                                                                    36" x 24" inches; Acrylic

    As I create (painting, sculpture, writing), I often lose track of the fact that everything I make is a part of me, my autobiography. All of it is and will always be/become 'pieces and parts' of the whole: from the inside, OUT. Our truest view in the mirror, if you will...

    I am definitely a work in progress, an evolution of a theme, a packet of potential, a convergence of all that I think, dream, say, create, do, and refrain from doing.

    So, as I keep pushing, discovering, and believing, I need to remember that I am a woman and a mother and a work in progress... I must remember that I can recreate myself and my reflection with another stroke of the brush, another splash of color, another smile, kindness or laugh. 
                         The mirror is in my own control, my own hands.


"...So, it occurs to me that we really never can see ourselves as others see us. Mirrors reflect only our flipped/reversed corporeal image back at us...often masked with a smile or ephemeral sentiment. Reality, then, would be a compendium of images in time...collaged with our words, creations, testimonials, memories, and sentiments. Short of that, every photo is but a blink and its reflection. May our autobiography be long, vibrant, and impactful..."

"...Looking in the mirror is an interesting activity...alternatively at times: scary, illuminating, lonely, or peaceful. Sometimes we see ourselves looking back, sometimes a younger or older version of ourselves. It could even be a stranger... At times, we see a novel, a short story or poem...even an off-kilter limerick could fit the moment in time. Mirrors sometimes reflect what we want to see, sometimes quite the opposite. Always, though, it is only a fragmentary and flipped version of ourselves at a moment in time. 
               ...What would our image in the mirror look like 
               if we could see a composite of what the world 
               sees when it looks at us? 
                           Therein lies a mystery."

    For now, then, I shall content myself with my art and writings and hope they became my truest reflection in my life and in the mirror.

                                                - Yours in Art,
                                                         Elaine Weiner-Reed 

#art #artist #abstractexpressionism #contemporaryart #fineart #figurativeart #gallery #museum #modernart #laart #washingtonart #marylandartist #creativity #mirror #relationships #reflections #poetry #painting #sanfrancisco #lasvegas #nyc #newyorkart #selfportrait #autobiography #instagram #intuition #exhibit #ewrartist #glimpses #baltimore #chelsea #dreams 

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